8 y/o, 2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 021
Grace and her sister live at their grandparents’ brick home where they laugh together and get along well. She is a kind girl with a laid-back personality that is happy dancing or drawing in her free time; however, she is also a hard worker in her classes and at home making sure to help her grandmother wash dishes and run errands. The family income is low as her grandfather is a farmer and her grandmother sell local beer to support everyone.

10 y/o, 06/30/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 19
Micael is a 10-year social and playful boy who lives in a mud-constructed home with his two siblings and their grandmother. His father, like most parents in his village, travels in neighboring countries for a better life. Micael has chores and is responsible for fetching water and selling goods with his grandmother on market day. When he has free time, he spends it playing soccer and hide-and-seek with his friends. He loves school and performs well in academics.

8 y/o, 2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Melanie who is known for her charismatic personality lives with her divorced mother and siblings in their mud home. Since her parent’s divorce, her father abandoned the family forcing Melanie’s mother to sell food on the street to obtain an income. At home, Melanie helps her mother by washing the dishes and cooking. Her favorite activity during her free time is playing netball. She attends church regularly and is currently under the care of the church. Melanie’s doing well in her studies, with the goal of becoming a doctor someday. Her church is requesting sponsorship for her.

9 y/o, 05/02/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Essohana is a polite and social boy who is looked after by his parents in the family’s brick dwelling. His chores are to fetch the family water and work at the farm alongside his parents. Unfortunately, his family always struggles just to put food on the table. This lack of income for even the most basic of needs makes Essohana chronically absent from school because his parents can’t pay the school fees. His goal and dream are to become a pilot someday.

10 y/o,
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 16
Donbelo is an energetic girl whose favorite subject at school is mathematics. She is living with her parents and two brothers in an iron roofed house with mud walls, their water comes from a spring, they use firewood for cooking, and kerosene for lighting. The family practices crop farming of maize, beans, and peanuts on their half acre of land with two local goats which provide manure. The farm’s produce is used to feed the family and partly sold for income. In addition, the parents engage in casual labor to supplement the little they get from selling the farm produce. The family’s annual income is less than two hundred dollars hence not enough to cater to all the family’s needs. The mother approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship on behalf of Donbelo. Your support for this child will make a difference in her life and the next generation to follow.

11 y/o, 11/03/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 15
Merveille is a sociable girl who has fun singing in the children’s choir, drawing, and playing at the park with her four siblings in her free time. At her home, a room in a brick dwelling occupied as caregivers, she helps with housekeeping and works with her divorced mom at the market during the weekends. She has big dreams for her life that only education can bring. Bridge of Hope can help provide the basic needs and break the cycle of poverty.

12 y/o, 06/26/2007
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 36
Gisele, a well-behaved and respectful boy, comes from a very poor family with four siblings. The family resides together in a metal-sheet home, which they own; however, their community lacks fresh water and electricity services. Gisele and his brother form a supportive and collaborative family unit with their parents. In his free time, he can be found having fun playing football. To earn an income, Gisele’s father sells goods on the street and does daily labor in the village while his mother runs a small bun-selling business. The parents have approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship.

9 y/o, 08/07/2012
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 37
Massalo is a smart girl from a Muslim family whose parents have placed her in Christian school where enjoys attending, learning Christian values, and dreams of becoming a teacher. It is because of Massalo, her parents are now attending the church on Sunday. Her mother is a laborer, and her father is a farmer and a carpenter with a very low income, but their incomes aren’t fixed. When Massalo is not washing dishes and doing chores at home, she takes delight in playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Her parents have approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship.

5 y/o, 03/12/2014
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 38
Justin is 5 years old boy. He lives at the outskirt of the town of Farrende; about 2 miles from his school. Justin just started 1st grade. His parents are farmers. His father is currently suffering from a severe back pain which makes it impossible to continue farming or any other activities to generate income for the family. His mother helps in market in order to provide for the entire family. Because of the health condition of Justin’s father, they are struggling to afford their 4 children education even provide basic needs for the family. Justin parents are requesting sponsorship assistance from Bridge of Hope.

10 y/o, 04/30/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 39
Hortense is a needy child who comes from a family of five children. She lives with both of her parents who are not in any formal employment as they do not have any skills to offer. The family survives through the father who does day to day jobs in the community for the family’s basic needs to be met although the income generated is not adequate. They earn an annual income of about US $350, hence the need for sponsorship is great. Hortense is currently in school and she enjoys playing with her Christian friends that attend the local Assembly of God Churches. Your sponsorship towards her will indeed brighten her future and help put a smile on her lovely face.

9 y/o, 05/22/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 41
Godwin is a 9-year-old boy, currently in 4th grade, who lives with his parents in the town of Farrendè. His father is a carpenter while his mother is a street vendor. In addition to carpentry and buying and selling goods, both parents farm in order to earn enough income to provide for their 4 children. Godwin’s parents have approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship because their income is not enough to pay school fees for Godwin.

5 y/o, 07/29/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 32
Akim was born on April 2010 in a Muslim home as the younger of six siblings. His mother and father originally came from northern Togo, but they couldn’t find work in their own village, so they moved to the village of Farrendè where they currently reside. Now they are both able to work as casual laborers and can rent a single bedroom dwelling; however, their combined meager income is not enough to take care of their six children. They have approached Bridge of Hope so we can sponsor Akim for his education and put him on the path to success.

11 y/o, 12/31/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
6th grade
Middle School of Farrendè
TG BH 44
Jules is a loving and smiling boy with people he knows. He likes to play soccer, he attends the elementary school in his community, and he is a member of a local catholic church. Although the access to his community is unpaved, it not only has its own elementary school, but it also has a health post. Jules likes his community very much because it is at the top of a hill and you can clearly see the mountains. His father is a farmer, and his income is dedicated to supporting the family whereas the role of Jules’s mother is to be a housewife and take care of the children. The parents are struggling to provide for the children in order to send them to school. They approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship.

10 y/o, 05/20/2009
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 25
Abel is a polite boy who lives in a brick constructed home with his six cousins under the care of his paternal uncle who is a farmer. His jobs at home are running errands and collecting water for the family. In his spare time, he has fun playing soccer. Abel did not start school until the age of 5 because his parents did not have the financial resources to send him to school. Abel’s aspirations are to become a soldier. A Bridge of Hope sponsorship is being sought so Abel can continue his education.

12 y/o, 08/18/2006
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
5th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Helene is 12 years old girl from the village of Farrendè in the northern region of Togo. Her biological parents renounced their responsibilities, by leaving their four children with their 70-year-old maternal grandmother, then abandoning the village for a better life in a neighboring country five years ago. The family has no income generating activities and can barely find food to eat at home. The grandmother is continually struggling to provide basic needs. Before we met her, Helene always missed school so she could carry sacks in the market and make money to buy food to eat and other basic needs. Bridge of Hope desperately wants to help and is looking for a sponsor for her.

6 y/o, 10/19/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
As a five-year-old boy, Rene loves going to school every day and has the best time playing soccer with his friends, but he also takes on family chores such as sweeping the home. Rene and his 2 siblings live with their grandmother because their parents live on a farm with no school facilities. His father is a mason and his mother must work on the farm in order to contribute as much as possible to the care of children. still not enough, so their grandmother must also sell loaves of bread to earn a daily income. With grandchildren to take care of, the burden on grandmother’s shoulders to meet all the children’s needs is getting heavier.

7 y/o, 03/10/2012
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Vivien’s divorced father and his siblings live in a rented, one bedroom. When he’s not helping his father at home, he has fun playing with his friends. He is a sweet child who cares deeply for his siblings and is talkative and playful with his classmates. Vivien’s father finds it difficult to provide for his education and basic needs since farming is the sole source of income for the family. They grow maize and groundnuts and practice the branch of agriculture known as animal husbandry. They are requesting sponsorship assistance from Bridge of Hope because Vivien often misses class due to financial difficulties. His dream is to become a lawyer one day.

8 y/o, 12/31/2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 29
Marcelin lives in the village of Farrendè with his grandparents. He is now in 3rd grade and attends an Evangelical Elementary School and the family are all members of an Evangelical Presbyterian church. Unfortunately, his grandmother has a mental illness; therefore, Marcelin and his sister are under the care of the grandfather who is seriously struggling to take care of the entire family, as well as, provide for Marcelin’s education. Because of these daunting challenges, his school attendance is very irregular. His grandfather has requested the assistance of Bridge of Hope.

7 y/o, 08/12/2012
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 48
Clarisse is kind, respectful and good at sharing with her friends. She likes to play with friends, loves bible stories, and regularly attends Sunday school class when she’s not helping at home. Clarisse is in the care of her grandparents who are both farmers. Her family depends on farming for an income which is not enough to adequately provide for her education, as well as other basic needs. Unfortunately, her attendance is irregular due to the monetary challenges of not always being able to afford her school materials and fees.

10 y/o, 2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Jules is an observant young boy who lives with his cousins and grandmother in a mud constructed home. He moved in with her after his father and mother abandoned him and are nowhere to be found. Jules’s grandmother is 70-years-old and must sell food on the street to earn an income and take care of her grandchildren. At home, Jules always does his best to help with sweeping and cleaning the house. In his free time, he has fun playing soccer with friends. Jules’s long-term goal is to join the military one day.

10 y/o,
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 40
Richard is a 10-year-old playful boy who enjoys making jokes, playing soccer with his schoolmates, and studying biology. He is one of the four children under the care of his 75-year-old widow grandmother residing in her brick home. Richard’s parents live in the neighboring country of Benin where his mother works as a house maid. She has abandoned Richard at the age of 3 and has not seen him since then. To earn money for the family, his grandmother weaves good mats; and because it brings her joy, the grandmother loves to teach her grandchildren. Without a Bridge of Hope for sponsorship, Richard’s educational future may be uncertain.

8 y/o, 11/24/2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 42
Essohanam is an 8 years old boy who lives with his parents. He attends the Evangelical elementary school of Farrendè, and their family are members of the Evangelical local church in the village of Farrendè. His father is a farmer and his mother sells various products on the street to provide for the family. It’s always hard for his parents to pay all the fees at school because of the very low income they generate. To avoid sending Essohanam home for not being able to pay school fees, the parents approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship.

12 y/o, 12/31/2007
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
6th grade
Middle School of Farrendè
TG BH 43
Komla is a 12-year-old boy who lives with, and is under the care of, his maternal uncle who works every day on the farm to provide for his family. His mother also works to provide for the family by selling various products on the street. Komla attends Evangelical elementary school of Farrendè and the family is members of the Evangelical local church in the village of Farrendè. It’s always hard for his uncle to pay all the fees at school because of the very low income the family generates. To avoid sending Komla home for not being able to pay school fees, his uncle approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship.

12 y/o, 12/31/2007
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
5th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Alice is a friendly girl in good health from the Kabye ethnic group being raised in a Christian home. She lives with her mother and two other siblings in a humble mud house roofed with zinc. She sleeps alongside her brother on a mattress covered with very poor bedding that is placed on the dirt floor

6 y/o, 09/13/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 46
Pauline is 6 years old from Farrende, and she is now in 1st grade and lives with her parents and her sister. Both parents are farmers and their monthly income is not enough to provide food and other basic needs for the family and send the children to school. Everyday life is a struggle. With sponsorship from Bridge of Hope, she will be able to have necessary means to continue her school.

5 y/o, 07/02/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 47
Grace and her five other siblings abide under their grandmother’s care in a brick dwelling where they live in peace with their neighbors. To earn an income, the family grows and sells corn, sorghum, and peanuts. Together, they face many challenges and struggles to meet their daily basic needs. Sometimes the family will only eat once per day. To supplement the family income, her grandmother also sews as a service. Grace is always eager to help her grandmother and her siblings by collecting water and washing the family dishes.

12 y/o, 12/31/2007
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
6th grade
Middle School of Farrendè
TG BH 001
Desire is a lovely boy. He and his three siblings are from the Northern region of Togo. This Evangelical Christian family of six lives in a small traditional house made of mud where his mother is a housewife taking care of the family and his father has the hard task of supporting everyone from

9 y/o, 08/10/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 12
Florence was born on August 10, 2010 into a family of six who are cared for by parents who do small scale farming. Because her parents can’t pay the school fees, Florence is always absent. They must wait for a harvest season of a cash crop, before she can go to school. Whenever the Headteacher is sending kids to go home to bring fees, she is always in the category of those being sent away. Her prayer request is to get a sponsorship from Bridge of Hope, because she would like to become an engineer in future and help other people.

9 y/o, 04/30/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 002
Koumberabalo is a charming boy who attends Evangelical Elementary school in the village of Farrendè. While at home in their brick house with his parents and 6 other siblings, he washes clothes and collects water. In his free time, he plays soccer and aspires to become a teacher someday. Unfortunately, his school attendance is irregular due to a lack of means from his parents to provide for his education. His mother sells vegetables, and his father is a seasonal construction worker in addition to farming maize, yams, and groundnuts. Bridge of Hope is looking to assist him in fulfilling his full potential and breaking the cycle of poverty.

11 y/o, 03/08/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 003
Jean, who comes from a family of 7 children, is a smart boy living with his parents in their home made of seven cemented bedrooms. They are fortunate to have access to both fresh water and an electricity supply. Jean is an active boy who belongs to a local church in his village, is attending the local primary school, and likes playing with his peers at home. His father is both a farmer and a motorbike driver and his mother is full-time homemaker. Their combined annual revenue of US $1100.00 does not allow them to satisfy their family's basic needs. A caring sponsor can help him have a good education.

13 y/o, 08/15/2006
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
6th grade
Middle School of Farrendè
TG BH 004
Sabine is a 13-year-old girl who comes from a polygamous home where she is one of eleven siblings. Her father has three wives and he is not a Christian. Her parents are not able to look after the children and take care of the household chores. When Sabine is not washing dishes or doing laundry at her brick home, she likes to have fun playing with her neighborhood friends. Her father is a mason by profession, her mother is a housewife with a small business to earn income and provide for her family. Sabine walks herself to school where she is learning well. Despite the long distance, she perseveres and conducts herself in a polite and attentive manner during class. Her dream is to be a teacher one day.

10 y/o, 12/05/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 005
Abide is a young girl from Farrendè who lives with both her parents and 7 other siblings. Her family earns a meager living by farming and doing casual jobs like cleaning clothes. The little income they do obtain is not enough to cater for even their basic needs. As a result, Abide’s mother sought assistance from the Bridge of Hope committee hence enrollment of Abide to attend school. At home, she helps her parents regularly by cleaning the house. By being of help to this young girl, you will enable her to attend school and get proper shelter together with her family.

13 y/o,
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 006
Irene is a very dynamic and lovely girl who lives with her divorced mother, five siblings, and other close relatives. Her mother suffers economic hardship as she is a housewife without any skills or substantial revenue. The annual income of US $ 700 is not enough to take good care of the family’s basic needs. Irene who is currently in the village elementary school is very fond of Math and is doing quite well. After school she pitches in and helps with the light house chores to contribute to the family. Her dream is to be a teacher when she grows up. Your Bridge of Hope Sponsorship would help this girl obtain a good education, reap opportunities, and succeed in life.

9 y/o, 10/19/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 007
Theofic and his five siblings belong to a very poor family whose circumstances are one of dire needs and abject poverty. His father is a domestic laborer and works hard as a mason; however, his annual income is only US Dollar $303. This meager income is far from enough to support everyone or even provide one square meal a day. Theofic’s mother is resourceful at trying to make ends meet with what is at hand, but there is abounding hardship at home with no way out of their miserable plight. These desperate parents have sought aid from Bridge of Hope for Theofic who is in fourth grade and loves to recite poetry and play in the house. Your sponsorship would be a great blessing to this needy family.

6 y/o, 03/26/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 008
Samtou is a self-driven and talkative boy who enjoys physical education and dance at school although he occasionally misses class due to a lack of school fees. During his free time, he helps to gather firewood for his family meals, and plays football or hide and seek with his five siblings. Young Samtou attends a local church in the village even though his parents are ancestors’ worshipers in the community of Farrendè. Although both parents work, the father is a carpenter and the mother sell local beer, they continually struggle to meet all the family needs and have requested the assistance of Bridge of Hope.

8 y/o, 2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 009
Rock is an 8-year-old boy whose favorite pastime is playing hide-and-seek around his mud-constructed home. When he is not at play, he’s in charge of collecting water for the house and taking livestock out to graze. Rock is a bright student who walks himself to school, and where he is especially interested in Math. His parents are divorced, but Rock and his two other siblings are looked after by their mother. She farms their land and sells local beer to provide for her family Unfortunately, it is not enough to care for Rock’s schooling and other needs. Our Bridge of Hope sponsorship will help him with school costs.

9 y/o, 07/20/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 10
Victor comes from the village of Farrendè where he lives in very poor conditions with his twin brother Gado and his grandmother in their house made of mud walls and a thatched roof. Victor is an active and friendly child who has ambitions of becoming a policeman one day. He and his twin brother are very helpful to his grandparents by tending to the livestock. Unfortunately, the basic needs of the children are not taken care of. Through your sponsorship, Victor will continue to attend school and hope for bright future.

9 y/o, 08/16/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3rd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 11
Julienne is a smiling 9 years old girl, who loves to play outside, delights in cooking with her peers, and working in the garden. Julienne and her sister reside in a brick constructed home in the care of their grandmother who is now 65-years-old. Julienne’s grandmother depends on growing and selling crops, in order to take care of her grandchildren. Julienne enjoys attending school but lacks the requirements. We are actively looking for a Bridge of Hope sponsorship for Julienne to provide the opportunity she so richly deserves.

7 y/o, 08/07/2012
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
2nd grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
Therese is a shy, sweet and kind child who lives with her siblings under the care of her mother in a brick, site house that was provided by the government. The family attends a local church in the village. When Therese is not running errands, she has fun playing house. Her mother supports all four of them by selling snacks. With a very low income, they need Bridge of Hope sponsorship for Therese.

12 y/o, 04/05/2007
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
6th grade
Middle School of Farrendè
TG BH 13
Irene resides in a wood dwelling, is a hardworking and playful child, who has fun with her friends in her spare time. She works around her house to collect water from the well or the river, and she washes clothes for the family. She and her siblings are in the care of their parents and they are all members of a local church in their village. Irene’s family relies on her father’s work as a farmer as well as the crops he grows and sells for

10 y/o, 06/28/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 14
Eric was born on June 28th, 2008 into a family of four who reside in a mud-construction home in the town of Farrendè. Because of difficulties to provide for the family, Eric is currently living with his grandmother who struggles to take care of them. His dad is a mason in the capital city and does other additional activities to earn money, while his mom has a small business that is the family’s main source of income. The parents approached Bridge of Hope for sponsorship so that Eric would have opportunities in his life that they did not have.

10 y/o,
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 17
Rose is a young girl living with her parents and brother in a self-built house with reed walls, a thatched roof, dirt floor, and no running water. They obtain water from an open well about 2 km away and the closest health centers are 5 Km away. Despite the enormous needs that Rose goes through, she is a very loving and smiling girl. Rose’s family lives in dire poverty; her mother and father are subsistence farmers; that live off crops of cassava and cowpeas they grow in their small plot. In order to keep the family livelihood, the father provides paid labor to the neighbors in exchange for food and other essentials, and the mother sells coconuts. Rose is attending elementary school and intends to be a teacher. The family sought assistance from Bridge of Hope to break the cycle of poverty and provide the basic needs for Rose so her dream can come true.

9 y/o, 07/12/2010
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
4th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 18
Reine resides in a mud-constructed house with five other siblings. Being a hard worker, she helps to cook at home with her mom. What she truly loves is education and going to school every day, having fun, and playing with her friends. She holds onto the dream of being a teacher one day. Reine’s parents are struggling to take care of the children’s needs. Her father is a carpenter and her mom buys and sells goods on the street. These are the family’s only sources of Income. Reine’s parents are seeking sponsorship from Bridge of Hope.

11 y/o, 12/07/2008
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
3th grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 20
Adele lives in a brick dwelling with their neighbors under her grandmother’s care. She is a self-driven girl who takes the initiative to do housework without being asked. She likes to enjoy herself too. Adele loves attending school and her favorite game to play with her friends there is hide and seek. The family grows and sells beans and corn for a living; however, they face many challenges such as drought that affects their harvest. Her grandmother also sews to earn income. Adele’s cousin is M’bari Marcelin.

6 y/o, 12/16/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 22
Alain is a happy and quiet boy with three siblings, who likes welcoming and entertaining visitors especially if it means playing football with his friends. The family is members of the Evangelical Presbyterian church in the village of Farrende. Both parents are farmers and struggle to take care of their children, education, and even provide the most basic of needs for the family. Their income depends on growing maize and seasonal products to obtain their necessities. Alain dreams of becoming a mechanical engineer in the future.

10 y/o, 08/30/2009
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 23
Potouhalo and her brother Hodabalo live with their siblings and their grandmother in a brick dwelling. She is an active girl, has fun playing ball games with her friends, is progressing well in her academics and takes special interest in math. Since her mother and father have divorced, her grandmother works hard to provide for them. Potouhalo does her best to help around the house by running small errands for her grandmother. Unfortunately, her grandmother is struggling to provide for her schooling. A sponsorship from Bridge of Hope will help provide the essentials needed for Potouhalo’s schooling.

8 y/o, 07/18/2011
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 24
Frederic Hodabalo is a comedic and sociable boy and the younger brother of Potoualo who both come from a divorced home and now live in a brick dwelling under the care of their grandmother. Frederic contributes to the family by running errands and sweeping the home. In his free time, he delights in playing football and watching movies. Hodabolo aspires to become a pilot one day. As a farmer and hairdresser being her sources of income, his grandmother is struggling to provide for his schooling.

6 y/o, 05/20/2013
Togo, Farrendè
Language: French & Kabye
1st grade
Evangelical Elementary School of Farrendè
TG BH 26
Flore is a charming girl who likes socializing with others and delights in playing games, such as piggy-in-the-middle, when she’s not running errands. She is the first born of three siblings who abide with their parents in a brick dwelling, located in a peaceful community where they attend a local church. To obtain income, her mother sells vegetables, and her father is a farmer along with casual work to support the family, but it is not enough to meet all the family’s needs. The parents have approached Bridge of Hope for assistance. Flore’s goal is to become an accountant.